Four years ago, I would have jumped at the chance to have my own house to clean, a families laundry to do, a child to school, animals to take care of, dinner to fix...etc. Now, four years later, it's all mine for the taking! So why don't I want that right now, at 9 o'clock on a Tuesday morning? Because I want instant gratification! I want to just snap my fingers like a Jeanie, and have a clean house, and clean laundry neatly folded and put away. Well, we all know Jeanie's are fiction, so that idea cannot work.
OK, so instant gratification won't work in this case. What else can I do to make this less tedious? I know, it's so obvious now! I'll just hire a maid! Wait, I don't have the money for a maid!
OK Lord, I know! I have known all along what I should do. I should Thank You Lord for my vocation that I, at one time begged for you to give me. Thank You Lord. I should do the work while offering my tiny cross up for You! I should think of the suffering You endured on the cross for me. I should work diligently in prayer, all the while thanking You for these little crosses in my life, so that I might one day enjoy the splendor of Heaven with You! Oh, Thank You Lord!
I guess if I think of it that way, maybe it doesn't seem so bad after all! In fact, I am actually looking forward to fulfilling my duties today. So long everyone, I must go and serve our Lord now!
Here are a few of inspirational quotes from The Way by: Josemaria Escriva
The enemy: "Will you obey, even in this ridiculous little detail?"
You with God's grace: " I will obey, even in this heroic little detail!"
How well you understand obedience when you write: "Always to obey is to be a martyr without dying!"
Don't put off your work until tomorrow.
Don't doubt it: your vocation is the greatest grace our Lord could have given you. Thank him for it.
Thank you for posting this, Krislynn. We all need a reminder now and then! I could have used it on Saturday when I was scrubbing floors!
"How well you understand obedience when you write: "Always to obey is to be a martyr without dying!"
My motto for the day!
Great post!
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